What we offer
California Livestock Services offers cattle, sheep and goat ranchers a comprehensive set of services to support their operations, including full mineral and supplement programs custom-designed to meet each rancher's specific needs and management techniques. The company provides nutritional and pasture consultations to help ranchers formulate optimal diets and grazing plans for their herds. This customized approach ensures that each animal receives the appropriate balance of vitamins, minerals, protein, energy, and other nutrients through free-choice supplements and formulated feed rations. With this nutritional support paired with pasture management advice, California Livestock Services enables ranchers to maximize the health, productivity, and performance of their cattle.
For a List of products offered, see below

Get to know the products
Accuration Blocks
Increased Conception Rates
Stronger Calves
Faster “Breed Back”
Healthier, More Fertile Bulls
Rangeland Protein Tubs
Affordable and profitable
Many different Formulations from 21%-38% protein to customize nutrition throughout the year and maximize pasture/range land
includes micronutrients and vitamins to reduce mineral consumption while also keeping your cattle healthy
You know it’s important to feed your livestock a well balanced mineral and vitamin supplement, but that is only half of the equation. The other half is consistent intake. For example, phosphorus is often called the “Master Mineral” because it affects nearly every metabolic function in ruminants. Providing your herd/flock with adequate amounts of supplemental phosphorus depends on the combination of phosphorus content and targeted intake. Purina® Wind and Rain® formulas are research-tested to provide optimal mineral nutrition through consistent targeted intake protected by industry-leading weather resistance. So, more of your mineral investment is utilized by the livestock.
California Livestock Services is proud to be the first retailer in California to offer 0% APR financing for 6 months on Purina mineral and protein supplements. This exclusive program, available only through CLS, makes it more affordable for cattle, sheep, and goat producers to utilize these Purina products.
The 6-month 0% APR financing provides the following advantages:
No interest costs for 6 months - Helps maximize cash flow
Delayed payment terms - Full balance due at 6 months, which aligns with animal sales cycles
Flexible enrollment - Producers can enroll in 6-month financing periods running July 2023 through November 2024
To qualify, producers need a John Deere Financial Multi-Use Account and have the financing credit limit increased if needed. Applying is quick and easy.
The Purina mineral and protein supplements are uniquely formulated to balance nutrients and support optimal herd health and gains. This financing offer makes it easier to leverage these products.
Contact CLS to learn more and utilize 0% financing over 6 months on Purina supplements. Our team is here to help producers boost productivity!
For more information, click on or scan the QR Code below!